The prisoners and ex-detainees’ association Hussam shed light on the poor living conditions in the Etzion Detention Center, pointing to wide scale neglect of Palestinian detainees...
...Palestinian detainees lack suitable food, toilet facilities and hot water for bathing. Prisoners held in solitary confinement have been prevented from bathing, resulting in the appearance of sores and skin disease.
Additionally, the association reported cases of medical neglect, as well as verbal and physical abuse.
In letters sent to Hussam, prisoners elaborated on the harsh living conditions endured in the detention facility, including Israeli prison staff preventing the detainees from sleep and using the restroom facilities in addition to persistent complaints of malnutrition and medical neglect.
The prisoners also stressed that the detention center does not provide the prisoners with winter blankets in addition to lacking central heating.
The Etzion Detention Center has come under the scrutiny of many other organizations, who have reported cases of torture and of lacking basic requirements for the detainees during the winter months. Full story