Ma'an – Israel's military said eight were detained overnight, while officials in Jenin said soldiers delivered summons to two men after entering their homes in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
A military spokesman said five were detained from Beit Ummar, where forces continue to erect a fence along the southern side of the town, closing residents off from the main roads.
Beit Ummar activist Mohammed Awwad said troops entered the village at 2:30 a.m., entering homes and detaining Oday Elian 21, Sufian Awad 21, Hisham Sabarneh 17, Ahmad Abu Ayyash 17, and Murshed Sabarneh 40.
Two others, Fathi Sabarneh, 40, and his son Shadi, 21, were given summons orders to appear before Israeli intelligence officers.
During the raid, entrances to the village were closed by roadblocks.
The military spokesman said another three were detained from areas south of Hebron.
In the northern West Bank, Israeli forces entered theAbdul Salam Khalaf building in Jenin, entered several apartments and handed resident aFadi Khalaf a summons to appear before investigators, Palestinian security officials said.
A second summons was handed out in the village of Kufor R'ai, southwest of Jenin, where troops entered the home of Rafiq Milhem, demanding he appear at the Salem military base for questioning.